At CDSEI core strategy is the human-centred design model, our projects capitalize on indigenous peoples’ initiatives, traditional knowledge, institutions, and resources for poverty reduction, sustainable livelihoods, and promoting economic development.

Experiences, best practices, and lessons generated in the course of our project implementation are always documented for replication and used as inputs in the improvement of subsequent socioeconomic policies and programs.

CDSEI operationalises its strategy by employing a community-driven participatory development approach in which partner community development associations are systematically provided with opportunities to proactively take greater responsibility for satisfying their economic needs and pursuing their poverty alleviation aspirations.

Our Implementation Strategies focus on:
Promoting economic equality towards advancing communities’ prosperity.

Reducing poverty through sustainable income and employment generation Increasing access to socio economic opportunities, and sustainable livelihoods Supporting the poorest of the poor to alleviate extreme hunger Strengthening the capacity of local cooperatives to respond to the financial needs of small businesses and local traders.

CDSEI Program Implementation Excellence:
Understanding of the socio-economic and poverty landscape and the policy implication for the design, management and implementation of poverty eradication programmes.

Engaging with local stakeholders to align on poverty alleviation strategies leveraging additional expertise and perspectives using the human-centred design approach Maximising opportunities for participatory and community dedemand-drivenpproaches to address the multi-dimensional nature of poverty Sharing learnings from implementation to inform policies and programmes.

  • CDSEI-led, CDSE-driven and CDSEI-owned.
  • Localized solutions delivered to global quality standards.
  • Meaningful partnerships and multiple collaborations.
  • Innovative partners’ sourcing and resource mobilization.
  • Research, Knowledge management and shared learning.
  • Data – driven (data is key to CDSEI programs).
  • Humanitarian Leadership- Doing development differently and with passion for humanity.
  • Value for money


  • Setting up the institutional framework for stakeholder advocacy, ownership and management.
  • Conducting community needs assessments and other socioeconomic baseline surveys.
  • Preparing community action plans for poverty reduction programmes.
  • Implementing community action plans.
  • Program evaluation and Social Impact- linking community experience to policy and program development.


Among the key outputs of CDSEI outreaches are the following:

  • Community intervention register and the analysis of the socio-economic status of the community.
  • Increased income and employment opportunities for participants and other required support in the empowerment pilot phase, which are anchored on sustainable community enterprises and improved delivery of basic services.
  • A higher level of awareness and recognition of participants' human rights and their increased involvement in income and employment generation in the community development process.
  • Stronger and more effective mechanisms for the welfare and development of the vulnerable population through continuing intervention through favourable policies and programmes.